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Me and My Company!

Me and My Company!
In any application these days, we find a link called “My Account”.
Due to which, on a strange application we feel connected for ownership / partnership.
When I say “Me and My Company”, it means to me, what? ……..
When I say “Me”, what does it identify with?
When I say “My Company”, what is that makes me feel saying “My Company”

I am employed in this company, is it because  –
  • I am qualified for the Post and Role expected
  • I am sure I deliver what is expected
  • I am concern with every good and bad happening by me, around me and through me
  • I should do some value addition to company’s business processes, productivity, quality             and of course I should grow as a professional
  • I should share what is good in me and I should learn from other also
  • Be a real ambassador of the company within and outside.

When I know, I fully comply to all said above, there are all reasons that I feel confident, Ownership and be a satisfied person.
I cannot be different at home and office. If I care for things at home, I will certainly do the same in office.
Home and office are two different locations but both are interdependent.
We join the company as a complete package of Human value system (Family Back ground),  Skills, Attitude, etc.
We always face a situation to give priority between Family and Office (Not the Job) work
There cannot be a single rule to pick one. This is circumstantial.

Every one work to earn and earn to live, but few work efficiently to live with pride and prosperity.

Therefore there is no point to prioritize. At home we already practice this sort of decision making. You do ask your younger kids to play outside when you are studding, or not well… The Child has to play and you have to study, both are justified.
Every minute spent in working hours, is a cost to company, therefore we woe every second, we must reciprocate.  Don’t do anything call personal in the office. What is personal? Banking , share trading, ticket booking, Follow Games, Phoning other than emergency, ….! Rather, take break and relax talk to your buddy. Feel happy if you contribute, feel bad if could not, and decide to be better

The Answer for taking Family v/s Office, is in above para

It feels great while being in the company and working for it. I know every individual is important and we all together make the company. Company does not mean just the premises & people. A company to me is the place where I give what I have and I grow by giving.
What all that I do which reflects that I am engaged with the company?
  • I follow the Rules
  • I work to deliver task and ensure it is done with accuracy and in time.
  • I seek support and learn from other and share my learning
  • Never being a cause of any loss of work, time, team or Client.
  • Feel free to ask what I need with a complete ownership
  • Prevent anything impacting bad for the company
  • Invest my personal time to be better and use that skill to grow my profile and position
  • I reach to HOD / HR / Admin and share my concerns, instead of complaining

I am for the Company and the Company is for me!

-Deepak Nagar

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