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Me and My Company!

Me and My Company! In any application these days, we find a link called “My Account”. Due to which, on a strange application we feel connected for ownership / partnership. When I say “Me and My Company”, it means to me, what? …….. When I say “Me”, what does it identify with? When I say “My Company”, what is that makes me feel saying “My Company” I am employed in this company, is it because  – I am qualified for the Post and Role expected I am sure I deliver what is expected I am concern with every good and bad happening by me, around me and through me I should do some value addition to company’s business processes, productivity, quality             and of   course I should grow as a professional I should share what is good in me and I should learn from other also Be a real ambassador of the company within and outside. When I know, I fully comply to all said above, there are all reasons that I feel confident, ...
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आदर्श पात्र से कम स्तर का कुछ भी स्वीकार्य नहीं हो सकता!

आदर्श पात्र से कम स्तर का कुछ भी स्वीकार्य नहीं हो सकता! आप जो भी करे, पूरा आग्रह रखे की श्रेष्ठ ही हो ये बात थोडी अव्यवहारिक लगे, किन्तु आज की परिस्थिति में जो सभी मापदंडो पर खरा हो वहि स्वीकार्य होता है हम अपने चारो और देखे, हमारे प्रयोग में आने वाली हर चीज हम वोही स्वीकार करते है जो हमारी परिस्थिति के अनुसार श्रेष्ठ है चाहे वो मोबाईल हो या वाहन हो या खाना हो या कपडे ... हम कहते है की भाई दो पेसे ज्यादा लेलो पर चीज अच्छी देना तो फिर जब हमारी बारी आये, तो किसी तरह का "चलेगा.." वाला आचरण क्यों रहे सब कुछ आदर्श नहीं हो सकता, किन्तु आदर्श बनने का आग्रह हर काम में रखना होगा इसलिये आज के समय में जब कंपनिया कर्मचारियों को नोकरी से निकालती है तो उसमे से श्रेष्ठ कर्मचारियों को नहीं निकालती इसके लिए शुरुआत उन बातो से करो जो सहज में हमें आनी ही चाहीये यदि एन बातो के लिए भी हमें अपने गुरु या माता-पिता द्बारा बार-बार कहनी पड़े तो शर्म की बात है कुछ उदाहरण देता हु, जिसमे ये बात समझ में आ सकती है, जैसेकी : मुझे अपने पडोसी से क्यों अनुरोध करना पड़े की, म्यूजिक धीमा बजाओ, घर के बाहर जूठन मत ...

आत्म चिंतन!

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Anand v/s Sukh

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Excessive sincerity is treated as weakness!

Excessive sincerity is treated as weakness! Don't agree? Khandani, Insaniyat (Humanity),...... Great, but with whom? We people, who live in a much closed society, are taught since childhood to share. This is also very good. Share your portion with others, but check does that other person deserve? There is difference between “Smarpan”, “Tyag” & “Sahyog” (surrender, Give up, support). Sahyog is the correct path. Most of us liked the movie “Lage Raho Munnabhai...” It has shown both the angles, he beats a person after getting a hit on second time. Because Gandhiji had not told what to do if a person hits on second time also. I have faced that people misuse our courteous approach and we are taken for granted. "One should be careful enough, so that others should not exploit him" This sounds contradictory about me. People who know me personally, they will be surprised. I don't want others to go through the bad experiences, betrayals, treachery, which I had. Always make s...

Formula to achieve your Ambition !!!

Everyone should be ambitious . To achieve your ambition , you have to work hard; Due to hard work you get subject knowledge; If you have subject knowledge , you feel Confident; If you are confident , you get effectively expression; If you are able to express your point of view, you can convince anybody; If you are able to convince the listener, you get the desired result; Desired result is nothing but what Ambition you had set for. You achieve your Ambition. Ambition->Hard work->Subject Knowledge->Confidence->Expression-> Convincing power->Ambition

Narsinh Mehta Hundi, Sung by me (Video)

Mehta Arts Baroda (Nishith Mehta and Dhaiwat Mehta) a great cause to spread the fragrance of Narsinh Mehta essence through "Nrutya, Natika and Sangeet". I am a fortunate member of this team as a Singer. The live recording of the Bhajan Hundi is available here. Narsinh Mehta Playback SingingVideo: